Find your mellow from within...Not from your environment or circumstances.

The dude on the conference table "gets it." He takes responsibility for his own inner-peace. At the end of the day, he's gonna throw on his DHMM tank and reconnect with his inner-mellow. The other four are going to the bar to "get tanked."

speaking of tanks. what are you going to do? you have a choice. try one of our tanks and see how you feel...

(soon we'll be adding more tanks - join our news letter to stay "in the loop."

Men's Tanks

1 products

Men's Jersey Tank

Men's Jersey Tank

from $33.53
from $33.53
Sold Out
Unit Price

Our Story

The Don't Harsh My Mellow® Brand

"Don't Harsh My Mellow" tends to have a slightly different meaning for each person. It’s kind of personal thing. However, the official definition is:

    Don't Harsh:  "don't mess with"
    My Mellow:  "my chilled-out state of mind"